WPP4-JP028 | Ghoti Fury | Common | World Premiere Pack 2023

SKU: Ghoti Fury|World Premiere Pack 2023|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Ghoti Fury
Code: WPP4-JP028
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 65898344
Type: Trap Card
Race: Continuous Trap Card
Archetype: Ghoti


You can target 1 Fish Monster Card you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; banish both monsters until your next Standby Phase. If a Fish monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field while any card is banished: You can banish this card from your GY or your face-up Spell & Trap Zone; all Fish monsters you currently control gain 100 ATK for each currently banished card, until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of “Ghoti Fury” once per turn.


1 in stock


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