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QCCU-JP187 | Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze | Ultimate Rare | Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity
$10.30 -
SUB1-JP066 | Ninja Grandmaster Saizo | Normal Parallel Rare | Secret Utility Box
$1.30 -
LVP3-JP021 | Herald of Mirage Lights | Super Rare | LINK VRAINS Pack 3
$1.90 -
RDS-JP010 | Nightmare Penguin | Common | Rise of Destiny
$1.30 -
LVP2-JP006 | Harpie Conductor | Super Rare | LINK VRAINS Pack 2
$2.30 -
EP19-JP055 | Ninja Grandmaster Saizo | Super Rare | Extra Pack 2019
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20TH-JPC85 | Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring | 20th Secret Rare | 20th Anniversary Legend Collection
$1,344.00 -
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RC04-JP009 | Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring | Quarter Century Secret Rare | Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition
$249.90 -
SLF1-JP062 | Parlor Dragonmaid | Secret Rare | Selection 5
$83.80 -
PAC1-JP034 | I:P Masquerena | Prismatic Secret Rare | Prismatic Art Collection
$83.80 -
WPP5-JP000 | Anotherverse Dragon | Quarter Century Secret Rare | World Premiere Pack 2024
$62.80 -
Sold out!
20AP-JP000 | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | Holographic Parallel Rare | 20th Anniversary Pack 1st Wave
$62.80 -
CYAC-JP042 | Despian Luluwalilith | Prismatic Secret Rare | Cyberstorm Access
$52.30 -
TW01-JP105 | Infernoid Seitsemas | Secret Parallel Rare | Terminal World (set)
[QCTB] Quarter Century Trinity Box
QCTB-JP007 | Kitchen Dragonmaid | Quarter Century Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$41.80 -
QCTB-JP042 | Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight | Quarter Century Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$29.20 -
QCTB-JP039 | Orcust Harp Horror | Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$22.90 -
QCTB-JP034 | Enlilgirsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight | Quarter Century Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$15.50 -
QCTB-JP033 | Galatea-i, the Orcust Automaton | Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$8.20 -
QCTB-JP050 | Orcustrated Return | Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
$6.10 -
QCTB-JP052 | Orcust Crescendo | Secret Rare | Quarter Century Trinity Box
[SUDA] Supreme Darkness
SUDA-JP049 | A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow | Ultimate Rare | Supreme Darkness
$22.90 -
SUDA-JP049 | A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow | Ultra Rare | Supreme Darkness
$17.60 -
SUDA-JP008 | Elzette, Azamina of the White Forest | Super Rare | Supreme Darkness
$9.50 -
SUDA-JP043 | Lightstorm Dragon | Normal Rare | Supreme Darkness
$5.00 -
SUDA-JP039 | Crystal Clear Wing Over Synchro Dragon | Secret Rare | Supreme Darkness
$4.20 -
SUDA-JP035 | Snake-Eyes Doomed Dragon | Ultimate Rare | Supreme Darkness
$4.00 -
SUDA-JP032 | Evil HERO Inferno Wing – Backfire | Secret Rare | Supreme Darkness
$4.00 -
SUDA-JP038 | Gladiator Beast Claudius | Secret Rare | Supreme Darkness