TW02-JP053 | Crystal Rose | Normal Parallel Rare | Terminal World 2
Brand: Konami
Card Name: Crystal Rose
Code: TW02-JP053
Rarity: Normal Parallel Rare
Passcode: 79531196
Type: Monster Card
Race: Rock
Archetype: Rose
LEVEL: 2.0
ATK: 500
DEF: 500
Once per turn: You can send 1 “Gem-Knight” or “Melodious” Monster Card from your hand or Main Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, this card’s name becomes the sent monster’s name, until the End Phase. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can banish 1 Fusion Monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card in Defense Position. You can only use this Card effect of “Crystal Rose” once per turn.
2 in stock
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