TW01-JP089 | Geo Genex | Common | Terminal World (set)

SKU: Geo Genex|Terminal World (set)|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Geo Genex
Code: TW01-JP089
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 33972299
Type: Monster Card
Race: Machine
Archetype: Genex

LEVEL: 6.0
ATK: 1800
DEF: 2800

“Genex Controller” + 1 or more non-Tuner EARTH monsters
Once per turn, if you control a face-up Level 4 or lower “Genex” monster(s), you can switch the original ATK and DEF of this card until the End Phase, for as long as you control a face-up Level 4 or lower “Genex” monster(s).


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