SUDA-JP049 | A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow | Ultra Rare | Supreme Darkness
Brand: Konami
Card Name: A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow
Code: SUDA-JP049
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Passcode: 04731783
Type: Monster Card
Race: Fiend
ATK: 2800
2+ monsters, including a Fiend monster
During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card, then activate 1 of these effects;
● Destroy 1 card on the field.
● Banish this card (until the End Phase), and if you do, Special Summon 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your GY.
During your Standby Phase: You can Draw a card cards equal to the number of different Type in your GY, then place cards from your hand on the bottom of the Main Deck in any order, equal to the number of cards you drew. You can only use each effect of “A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow” once per turn.
1 in stock
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