SLF1-JP087 | Evil★Twin GG EZ | Common | Selection 5

SKU: Evil★Twin GG EZ|Selection 5|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Evil★Twin GG EZ
Code: SLF1-JP087
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 34365442
Type: Trap Card
Race: Continuous Trap Card
Archetype: Evil★Twin


You can Tribute 1 “Ki-sikil” Monster Card or 1 “Lil-la” monster, then activate 1 of the following effects.
● You can target 1 “Ki-sikil” monster or 1 “Lil-la” monster you control; it gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the Tributed monster, until the end of this turn.
● When a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field: You can negate that effect.
You can only use this effect of “Evil★Twin GG EZ” once per turn.


3 in stock


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