SAST-JP011 | T.G. Tank Grub | Common | Savage Strike
Brand: Konami
Card Name: T.G. Tank Grub
Code: SAST-JP011
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 74627016
Type: Monster Card
Race: Insect
Archetype: T.G.
LEVEL: 1.0
ATK: 0
DEF: 0
If this card you control is used as Synchro Material for a “T.G.” monster, you can treat it as a non-Tuner monster. If this card is sent to the GY as Synchro Material for a “T.G.” monster: You can Special Summon 1 “T.G. Token” (Machine/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Attack Position. You can only use this effect of “T.G. Tank Grub” once per turn.
7 in stock
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