PRIO-JP087 | Tachyon Transmigration | Common | Primal Origin

SKU: Tachyon Transmigration|Primal Origin|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Tachyon Transmigration
Code: PRIO-JP087
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 08038143
Type: Trap Card
Race: Counter Trap Card
Archetype: Signature move


If you control a “Galaxy-Eyes” Monster Card: Activate as Chain Link 2 or higher; negate the activations of your opponent’s Spell Card/Trap Cards and monster effects activated before this card in this Chain, and if you do, shuffle the negated cards on the field into the Main Deck. If you control a “Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon” monster, you can activate this card from your hand.


2 in stock


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