PHNI-JP020 | Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice | Rare | Phantom Nightmare

SKU: Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice|Phantom Nightmare|Rare Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice
Code: PHNI-JP020
Rarity: Rare
Passcode: 51296484
Type: Monster Card
Race: Dragon
Archetype: Voiceless Voice

LEVEL: 6.0
ATK: 2500
DEF: 2400

You can discard this card; send 1 Ritual Spell from your Main Deck to the GY, then you can Add a card 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) from your Main Deck or GY to your hand. You can banish this card from your GY; Ritual Summon 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. You can only use each effect of “Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice” once per turn.


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