IGAS-JP051 | TA.I. Strike | Common | Ignition Assault

SKU: TA.I. Strike|Ignition Assault|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: TA.I. Strike
Code: IGAS-JP051
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 86449372
Type: Spell Card
Race: Quick-Play Spell Card
Archetype: A.I.


During damage calculation, if your Monster Card battles an opponent’s monster: Your battling monster’s ATK becomes that opponent’s monster’s ATK, during that damage calculation only, also, the controller of any monster destroyed by that battle takes Effect damage equal to its original ATK, at the end of the Damage Step. If your “@Ignister” monster would be destroyed by battle, you can banish this card from your Graveyard instead. You can only activate 1 “TA.I. Strike” per turn.


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