EP18-JP017 | Vendread Reunion | Common | Extra Pack 2018

SKU: Vendread Reunion|Extra Pack 2018|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Vendread Reunion
Code: EP18-JP017
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 02266498
Type: Trap Card
Race: Normal Trap Card
Archetype: Vendread


Reveal 1 “Vendread” Ritual Monster in your hand, Special Summon any number of your banished “Vendread” Monster Card with different names, in face-down Defense Position, whose total Levels exactly equal the Level of the revealed Ritual Monster, Tribute all those face-down Defense Position monsters, then Ritual Summon that Ritual Monster from your hand. You must be able to Ritual Summon to activate and to resolve this effect.


1 in stock


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