DP14-JP026 | Gogogo Talisman | Common | Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo

SKU: Gogogo Talisman|Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo|Common Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Gogogo Talisman
Code: DP14-JP026
Rarity: Common
Passcode: 63583431
Type: Spell Card
Race: Continuous Spell Card
Archetype: Gogogo


While you control 2 or more “Gogogo” monsters, you take no effect damage. Once per turn, when an attack is declared involving a “Gogogo” monster you control: You can activate this effect; that monster you control cannot be Destroyed by battle.


6 in stock


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