ANPR-JP011 | Fortune Lady Fire | Rare | Ancient Prophecy

SKU: Fortune Lady Fire|Ancient Prophecy|Rare Categories: , Tags: , ,

Brand: Konami

Card Name: Fortune Lady Fire
Code: ANPR-JP011
Rarity: Rare
Passcode: 71870152
Type: Monster Card
Race: Spellcaster
Archetype: Fortune Lady

LEVEL: 2.0
ATK: ?
DEF: ?

This card’s ATK/DEF become its Level x 200. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Increase this card’s Level by 1 (max. 12). When this card is Special Summoned in Attack Position by the effect of a “Fortune Lady” card: Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy that target, and if you do, inflict Effect damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster’s ATK on the field.


3 in stock


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