25PP-JP016 | D/D Extra Surveyor | Normal Parallel Rare | Premium Pack 2025
Brand: Konami
Card Name: D/D Extra Surveyor
Code: 25PP-JP016
Rarity: Normal Parallel Rare
Passcode: 74387963
Type: Monster Card
Race: Fiend
Archetype: D/D
LEVEL: 5.0
ATK: 1000
DEF: 0
[ Pendulum Effect ]
If a face-up Monster Card(s) your opponent controls is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 “D/D/D” monster you control; banish 2 cards from your Pendulum Zone, and if you do, the targeted monster can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. You can only use this effect of “D/D Extra Surveyor” once per turn.
You can discard this card; Add a card 1 face-up “D/D” Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand, except “D/D Extra Surveyor”. If this card is banished: You can banish cards from the top of your opponent’s Main Deck equal to the number of face-up Pendulum Monsters in their Extra Deck, then you can make 1 “D/D” monster you control gain 200 ATK for each card banished by this effect. You can only use each monster effect of “D/D Extra Surveyor” once per turn.
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